Author’s Note

In the back of every children’s book I write author’s notes. I am posting them here to give you an idea of what will be touched in each book, and it can bring good conversations with you and your children!

Book #1 – I AM NOT A BULLY

One thing I always tell my kids, just like in the book:

Think of a kid in your school who is the ‘geekiest’ or ‘weirdest’.  Know this: You are no better than them.

But now think of the most popular kid(s) in your school and know this: They are no better than you.

Everyone needs a friend. 

Be kind to each other, even if they are different than you.

Different does not mean bad or weird. 

See the beauty in being different. Life would be boring if we were all the same. 


One thing I always tell my kids, just like in the book:

Think of a kid in your school who is the ‘geekiest’ or ‘weirdest’.  Know this: You are no better than them.

But now think of the most popular kid(s) in your school and know this: They are no better than you.

Everyone needs a friend. 

Be kind to each other, even if they are different than you.

Different does not mean bad or weird. 

See the beauty in being different. Life would be boring if we were all the same. 


No one is exactly like you. You are unique.

Do not look at others who are different than you as a bad thing. Look for the good in them.

Others are different than you; but you are different than them. 

See the beauty in being different. Life would be boring if we were all the same. 

I tell kids to think of a rainbow. It would be quite boring if it was all one color. It is all the different colors that make it so beautiful. 

Book #4 – I AM SPECIAL

No one is exactly like you. You are unique.

Do not look at others who are different than you as a bad thing. Look for the good in them.

Others are different than you; but you are different than them. 

See the beauty in being different. Life would be boring if we were all the same. 

I tell kids to think of a rainbow. It would be quite boring if it was all one color. It is all the different colors that make it so beautiful.

Book #5 – I AM SORRY

I hope you have enjoyed “The Vision Series” with Cat and her friends. It saddens me that their journey is over. But yours will continue on. Everyone has a different story, but everyone wants to be treated nicely and loved. If you are bullied, remember Cat’s friends. They ended up not letting the bullies ruin their lives. They made friends and lived life. Like Cat, you may need to find a different group of friends. 

If anyone calls you names or tears you down, know that you have a choice not to believe it. Please don’t believe them, because they are not true. It will be hard to not believe them, and it will be hard to walk away and not let it sink into your heart. Even though you may be different from them, that is okay. That is good. We don’t want a world where everyone is the same. How boring would that be?

If you are good at playing an instrument, then play your heart out! If you are good at dancing, dance till you can’t dance anymore. If you are an artist and can draw, color, or paint, then draw until the ink runs out. If you enjoy playing sports, play as if you are Micheal Jordan. If you enjoy running, run as if you’re chasing the wind. If you are good at reading or writing, read until your eyes get heavy and fall asleep. Write and make up the best stories! Use that imagination of yours. I would love to see some of your writing or drawing if you draw! You can always email me at the link below.

And don’t forget to laugh. Laugh until you pee your pants! 

I know you can LOVE, so LOVE until the end of time.

But, whatever you enjoy doing, do it. Enjoy it. And do not let anyone look down on you if it is different from what someone else likes to do. 

If you ARE a bully, let me just say, STOP. You are not doing anyone any good. Did you know that you are not just hurting the person you are talking about? But guess who else you are hurting? YOU! People will catch on, and people don’t like bullies. You may do it because you think it is cool or makes you feel better about yourself. But let me tell you, it is NOT cool and it will catch up with you. 

If you are doing it because YOU are getting bullied yourself, STOP bullying, but then tell someone you trust and get help to get the other person to stop bullying you. 

You are all a treasure. I hope after this series you will look at yourselves and others through different eyes. Remember, you never know what others are going through. 

Use your mouth to say kind words. 

Use your hands to help others.

Use your ears to listen if someone is getting bullied or needs a friend.

Use your eyes to watch for someone getting picked on or needing help. 

Use your arms to give a hug.


You. Yes, you can change the world, one single step at a time.